How ByteHire works

ByteHire speeds up hiring with precision and expertise.

Why ByteHire is Unique

Our deep insights uncover the real talent behind every application.

Using the ByteHire Screening Platform, we are extensively gathering pieces
of information to ensure the perfect match for your team

Job specific skills

Real skills over keywords
Deep tech stack evaluation
Data-driven insight on strengths
Matching the right tech for the right role

Deep industry
experience vetting

Hands-on experience with similar products
Proven track record in relevant industries
Identifying critical thinkers and innovators
Recognising people who embrace challenges

Final screening call

Live technical deep dive with one of our expert
Soft skills and team fit check
Assessing problem-solving mindset
Personalized feedback for a smooth process

Benefits of ByteHire

Simplifying tech hiring so you can focus on building great products.

Client Results That Speak for Themselves

"I cannot recommend ByteHire enough. We get the perfect candidate quicker than anyone else every time."

Rob Lazzurs
/ Rob Lazzurs, Director of Technology, Amach

"Partnering with ByteHire significantly enhances the hiring process at every stage. Their technical expertise accelerates the job profile development, ensuring a precise match with our needs."

/ Ivan, CTO, AltoVita

"The team at ByteHire were great. They quickly provided a focused shortlist of high-quality candidates, leading to our quickest hire ever."

/ Ben, Founder, OasisLMF

"The whole process was exceptional. ByteHire understood the finest technical details, supplying highly accurate profiles quickly and efficiently."

/ James, Director, Peachy Mondays